Historically, accountants have been the professionals who add value by establishing truth, so that we can trust the information in front of us.
Because Actuals proves that what a company says it’s doing to create value is actually true.
Historically, accountants have been the professionals who add value by establishing truth, so that we can trust the information in front of us.
Trust is the all-important lubricant for how companies do business. It makes or breaks their reputation; how they’re perceived and valued.
But in today’s digitised, high-complexity, low-trust society, establishing truth is increasingly problematic. This is especially true for digital first companies running high transaction volumes. How can they find indisputable proof for the millions of transactions running through a parking app? Or through an online shopping platform, a cab app, a digital shop for train tickets — or an auction platform, for that matter?
Most of the time, the data sets don’t even align with one another. The payment landscape itself is reaching new levels of complexity.
To prevent nonsense from running amok and trust from dissolving into thin air, finding hard truths in this chaos is more important than ever.
That’s why we’ve created our Actuals software platform. We don’t settle for estimates; we match all orders, in any order database or transaction platform, with all possible payment, settlement and accounting data.
Just like people immediately trust a laptop with an ‘Intel inside’ sticker, companies using Actuals gain an instant stamp of trust as well. Because Actuals proves that what a company says it’s doing to create value is actually true.
It can be extremely challenging to find truth in a highly complex situation. Determination makes sure we don’t give up. We keep our eye on the ball and focus on the long term. Honesty makes sure we don’t easily settle for comfortable but half-baked solutions. We prefer truth over convenience.
Peter Engel co-founded Actuals in 2016 after working as an auditor at Deloitte. There, he grew frustrated with relying on estimates when auditing tech companies handling thousands or even millions of transactions. That’s when Peter Lem, now the CTO of Actuals, showed him how automation could eliminate the guesswork.
Request our whitepaper to discover how a cumbersome process can become a joy.